
A low-carbon renewable heating and cooling solution that utilises solar technology,
combined with sustainably highly compact storage module. The solution provides cold
thermal energy for cooling of buildings in the summer, and for refrigeration purposes (all
year). It also provides hot thermal energy, which can be stored and delivered for building
heating in the winter. The power is renewable, and the storage module is made from
sustainable materials. The system also includes a control system utilising Artificial
Intelligence (AI) technology that efficiently regulates the ambient temperature based on the
occupancy, and uses Machine Learning (ML) for forecasting and prediction demands.

Key Aspects of the system are:
- Renewable energy for building heating, cooling and refrigeration;
- High density storage medium that absorbs thermal energy for cooling during the summer months and provides absorbed energy for heat in the winter;
- Control system that will optimise the output to ensure temperature balance and takes into account the occupancy across the entire building space;
- The control system ensures that demand is real-time driven, with ability to forecast and predict future demands;
- Refrigeration system that eliminates the use of Chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) refrigerants.
Benefits offered by the system:
- Provides a route to achieving carbon neutrality, first to net-zero;
- Significant reduction in carbon dioxide emissions because the energy source is from the sun, with storage available to absorb energy, provide heating when it is needed in the winter months or cooling for summer months, and all year round refrigeration;
- Increases customers’ knowledge in making energy savings;
- Product can be easily retrofitted with negligible downtime/disruption to services;
- Customers’ can secure ‘green’ funding and grants towards the product;
- Smart system ensures temperature is optimised based on varying factors;
- This low-carbon heating, cooling and refrigeration solution will reduce the
percentage of power demanded from conventional sources, which will have a
positive impact on the UK’s net zero targets; - Eliminates CFC refrigerants;
- Improve customers’ experience, health, safety and wellbeing;
- Reduces energy bills by up to 40%, and reduces CO2 emissions by up to 75%.